Friday, November 23, 2007

Birds & Bolts Of A Feather

What Baltimore means to me.

 Mr. Tough talkin' Bolts Blogger is currently declawed. Spaded. When I'm not feeling it, the flow is interrupted. The energy field has been corrupted. I could get all hyped about this game. It is important. The game has much meaning. But the Ravens, in our house? Boring. But it's a Charger homer right? We should destroy the dirty birds. Want to hear more old Charger pessimism? Our history against this team recently has sucked. OK, I had to vent old negative ways. I've been Norved! Like a third and one run off tackle to O'Neal. Sweet. Norved again. LT is way due. He has never quite just broken one off this year. Gates? Where is ye? Lost in the Norv mix.

LT, come back. We know it's not your fault. The Police said it best...Synchronicity. We fire that up, LT...and we, be good.

  Where doth the problem lie? Can't tell ya. We still have a good home record. 4-1, and 12 out of the last 13. Look for another W, I call it tamely.  Buster Davis, gettin' mo bettah. He is bustin' one.

 Jyles Tucker, from practice to real. Bet your sky high. Tell Terrell about practice. Or Alan Iverson. Hope you get a huge hit. Make the most of it baybee.

I will not spew on Baltimore fans. This is Sports Steve, a raging Raven fan. Who, like me. Spends alot of time in opposing stadiums. I revel in it. He is like the Mardi Gras Baltimore Mr. T. Baltimore fans bought me many drinks in SF, and were kind. But mean kind, if you get my drift. The women were cool. One licked my face several times. One Crab Cake boy told me, "She always does that" Oh yeah right dude, like that wasn't just for me and I didn't just see her do it to you. Don't ruin it. i'm freakin' Mr. Cosmopolitan! Salud' to the BALTS I met in SF, ya'll was way cool. But harsh reality is upon me and Sunday you all suck just a little. I'll get that 1st round to drown your sorrows. Here is what you would never hear here. I hope I get to buy that 1st round. Peace the mullets!The fish...I mean.

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