Friday, August 18, 2006

Junior, the NFL's Roger Clemens?

  So Junior retired a few days back in SD to much fanfare and a motivational speech that would make Dr. Phil weep. And less than a week later, maybe 3 days, he is rumored to be headed to New England. Junior, don't do it. If, like Gary Payton of the NBA's Heat, you plan to age and jump from team to team hoping for that elusive 1st title, go for it. Gary finally succeeded, you won't in New England.  Take a coaching job in SD.

  I love Junior. I have never seen anybody more pumped and causing utter successful chaos on the field. Playing the '95 playoffs with one arm and still the best on the field. I wish him well and hope he plays to his capabilities. But football isn't like baseball. A baseball player can play 20 years and start out like Randy Johnson, a fireballer. And still be successful when he is old fat and tired pitching like Tim Wakefield. Linebackers don't have this option. You slow down, your or two steps can make all the difference in the world. Junior has lost 3 or 4 steps sorry to say. Do whatcha gotta do Junior...SAY OWWWWWWWW!

  We play da Bears tonight, another preseason CFL game. Cause thats where 50% of the players on the rosters now will end up. Or that stupid Arena League 6 where Maurice Clarett was gonna play. Like maybe the Scranton Suck Dawgs whose luxury boxes are filled with the staff from "the Office!" I'm gonna watch though, Philip is gonna bloom this year, you'll see. Our dee, uh, killer baybee. And I feel we will improve drastically in the pass dee dept. We are almost there, Sept. and I can smell the Brats on the grill or the marlin, in the parking lot at the Murph already! And what the fuck is up w/the Padres. You dropped the bomb on dropped the bomb on me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must admit that this was pretty ugly. In my mind, if I knew Seau was going to come back before he did I could've seen him on San Diego once again. But he jumped on the band wagon of the crumbling "dynasty" called the New England Patriots.