Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Different Issues

 As we approach the 2006 season and supposed uncertainty for the Powder Blue, I say, like the past...the times, they are a changin'. And so am I. I hope I'm still linked to AOL and those of you who like my seasonal rants will take hold wherever I go.

 In the summer I make bank. I make it for me and my life. I don't waste much. And Iam a liberal sustainable man, and if u ain't. COOL by me.

  I'm feeling really good about this week, got pics with Donnie Van Zant from .38 Special...wait...STOP! Why would I be there? I was bribed. To go to the fair. I went. Know the evolution scale? I was a freakin' Rhodes Scholar at this. Non reality mullet families, like mom, dad, son, daughter, with exaggerated mullet  tendencies. Think the Darwin shit.  Like there really is a barber out here, or stylist, that keeps the flame alive!

  As .38 Special kicked it out (and they did) the illuminated neon rides flashed in the background. The Zipper, Tilt a Whirl...kinda fun.

  I didn't realize (a lyric maybe) how many hits that band had! I paid $8 for a sucky cool show.  All the hits though, are sung by the bearded guitar player. I actually told him as we got a pic together I was "talked into it". He was way cool and I was just another "fair ant". I give them props for being cool. You'd have to know my background to know that I did or don't or do give a shit!

 Back to season...which I feel could be .45 Grave for the rest of the West. I took a 9-7 season and a trade to New Orleans, mutha fuckas! I, as in you, as in me...wasn't that some gay ass song by Peter Frampton? When I was 15 and had a job on Sundaze of just pouring sauce on Lobster Omelettes at the Cannery in Newport Beach, CA...I died.

  I was a Charger fan and dad made me get a job, cause he came from a farm. But he was a real estate agent in Newport Beach, trying to run a farm. Ha, one of the 1st jobs I ever had. That made me know...whatever job I may have...Sunday's would not be a part of the plan.

  I have not missed a Charger game in 20 years. Once, I moved in 2003, and I watched the game a little, and on the radio, yes...I loved that bitch. Kept the PC hooked up to GameCast so on my last trip I came home to the empty old place...just to pick up the it flashed we kicked a FG and beat Denver. SWEET! We din't rawk till 2004. Besides my passion for food...I can say honestly I created my own job cuz I knew I could have my Sundaze!

  Am I completely confident going into this season? F%*k yeah! Live and die with what some may think is a rookie, no. We'll see where lumps fly. Were gonna be giving out a bunch!

 AOL will (not the sports coolies) offer me a year for free and beg...but they never do shit...but take. $30 a month for substandard service that I will now get for $5. I have ALWAYS paid my account to AOL, but they have shut me off after 5 years of regular payments, straight off the card. And they fuck up and I can't get online, after all that time. I'm done....a string of endless peeps, reading off the same INDIA!

 But as I leave AOL remember, this is no reflection upon the SportsBloggers. This is a fine upstanding community of peeps. But Iam experiencing my 1st no answer emails when stuff used to be cool.

  I don't even run Windows anymore, I'm on Linux. No viruses and its free. Feed the machine.

  Fuck the politics of ISP' season is coming. Lemming's jump off a cliff. I'd rather follow a 300 lb tackle into the end zone and make sure his ass is blue!  12/24/06...Seattle returns to SD in they're own house, I'll be there. Merry Freakin' Christmas!

PS I'm still on free AOL, so this is moot...I added this edit today 9/10/06

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