Monday, February 4, 2008

Eat Crow Arrogant Crybaby!

 Ok, so I'm a Pat hater. I'm just gonna say this: 4th & 13 bitches! As a Charger fan on the losing end of two painful playoff games to the eventual champions I relish in this throne toppling. I saw the Pats brazenly going for it early on a 4th and 13. I have seen this. We did this to them in the divisional at home a few years back. 4th and 12 late. We intercepted. Machine terminated! Then fumbled on the return! As Bill Paxton proclaimed in Aliens, "That's it man, game over!" Or the little boomerang boy in Road Warrior. "DAD! DAD! were dead meat...uh oh...I think were all dead meat!" And every time it's the Pats, the air of arrogant expectancy of them succeeding was always in the air. And usually it happened.

Take that Pope! Cry, Cry, Cry. Here is a beer bong full of cod liver oil Chowderheads!

 Not last night. Thank god. Saved from Chowderhead gin blossom cheeked taunts for a year. And the 1972 Dolphin crew puffin' stogies and Mercury Morris knowing he'll be relevant every now and again. NE won more games in a row, but the machine was a fragile flower that wilted in the upset dome of doom. And Bellichick's lemon sucking sour puss expression turning to a Sinead O'Conner tear in the end. But Sinead was the Giants and the Pats literally were the photo of the Pope. Gods of football. Laying in tattered shreds on the floor, ripped apart. Confetti falling on their heads but not for them. A celebration for all Pat haters. The machine will always be figured out by the human. But many lives will be lost on the journey to utterly defeat the evil dynasty. Porkins didn't get shot down, he did a 3 point roll, avoided all enemy fire, stayed on target, and took out the Death Star! Skywalker was just covering from behind. And back at the Force airport? Solo gets rejected and Leia gives it up porno style to Pilot Porkins! The ugly got all the breaks, luck, and big plays. The defense sparkled. This entry has begun with more cliche, well worn pop culture than a Shrek movie. But the cliche of NE always gettin' the big prize is done. A blemish. A big fat NE blemish. Wait, a yellow white head, ripe for popping. POP! Will this beat down ever end? No. It's all so warm and fuzzy.

 And Bill B's face.Priceless sore loser. Must spy harder, does not compute, does not compute. I hope some unfortunate soul who has a voice box, but is a Giant fan, turns his speaker to 11 and yells in your ear at the Olive Garden your dining at"WAAAAH!"

Everyone forgets this picture. No, it is not a "gay" moment between one football genius and one genius cheater.
It is football mafioso don aka "The Plate Full" Parcells giving Bellichick the kiss of death ala cousin Fredo. Mom then died and the hitman killed Fredo fishing. Yeah! The Gorton's fisherman is dead! Have fun in concrete shoes in da East River Pats. No matter how many you win,
this will sting like iodine on an open cut, every moment next season and for dare I say...eternity?. I was lying about the kiss of death, it really was a gay moment! WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Swim with da fishes Pats! Seau gets a life raft though.

Eli has his moment in the sun.

Brady, on the run. Sacked 5 times and pressured numerous times. 9 pressures & more! Strahan has the power.

THE CATCH! David Tyree who power clutches it over x Charger Harrison.
This is the "moment" that helped propel the Giants on 2008's Super Bowl
version of "The Drive"
Who ever thought it would be the G Men doing it? Love it.

This was sposed to be the Hoody. He is drinkin' at TGIF's. HA HA!

The Tom Cruise of the NFL in a rare moment. One word says it all smug
New Englanders ,"WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Yes, it is now a word
in the Pat dictionary. Chants of "We're #2! We're #2!" fill the Northeast. How fitting. A gourmet
season, 17 courses. And for dessert, a giant poop sundae! Quote Tom,"We're only gonna score 17
points? HA!HA!HA!HA!"Who's laughing now, Sir Smug? Yo Plaxico!

Ok, here is a bridge you can jump off Chowds. Notice counseling is available.  Call after you jump, ok?

This is after all, a Charger blog. Next year I'll be writing the winning entry. Just you wait and see. Keep the Faith Powds. West Coast SD WILL represent next season.

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