Sunday, June 25, 2006

OSU In the College World Seies

 Hey all. the thick of my busy season, where I save $$ so I can take every Sunday off in the fall/winter. Cuz I ain't missin' shit in '06 with my beloved Bolts. The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs "Gold Lion" blares from my stereo, and not for the departed Joey Harrington. He is no "Paper Lion", you play for the Lions you die. But he is an OU grad, so I stoke on this. OSU made one of the best comebacks I have ever "heard" on the radio. Screw OU and they're Nike fashion auditions and marketing. OSU will prove that faith works, and I'm not talking prayer...although Pat Kasey is doing well with it. Joey is a Duck, Pat is a Beaver. Find your power. I have heard it all. Ducks eat Beaver. Except for like a 1968 cross country title or somewhere around there, OSU has squat for titles. Like a good hand grenade, they have been close.

 I met the asshole's fist who guarded Walton in the UCLA "Lost Weekend" at a bar in Portland, his dual knee surgery didn't bode well for him after his blind side punch. But OSU history is hard to come by, unless your from the NWest. Walton is play by play, and an asshole. His nemesis in Portland, who won one for OU, drinks and beats people up at Roger's Lounge. I just happened to catch this guy on a Sunday after an early Charger game, he is huge. And he is sad, look him up. I've never been back. He can barely walk, go low. He lives on that moment...and brags that all he did was kick and punch Walton, he could barely shoot. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, back to the sports world.

 OSU, not fuckin' Oklahoma mind you. Oregon State baseball is on the brink, as is North Carolina. I'm fucking taking the glass slipper and killing the pumpkin...NOW!

  I know the College World Series ain't shit to some. But here in Oregon, it still ain't shit. But to me, its balls the way the team was down 5-0 in the 4th and EXPLODED to kick the sheeeeeee ite out of spoiled NC! I'm calling this best of 3 come from behind never won a game in the CWS...CHAMPS! Peace to all...I'm gearing up for Philip and LT and our KILLER defense, oh, and secondary. We is gonna kill all ya'll. Like, I mean you'll be able to play your next came...but physically, spiritually, and emotionally we got your #!

 Hope your not on our schedule. SD Chargers and OSU baseball in the same breath? Hell yes in the middle of summer as I count down the days to September. Watch Quentin Jammer become "the KING". GO OSU...The Tars will be under your heel. GO OSU! Monday bring home a title for our "poor rent" university. At least how all the easters view us. See ya'll soon!


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