Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We Beat Indy...Again!

I'm doing a blog today, even though it's for no one.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Charger Jesus Has Brought Me Back To Life!

Holy shit America & the world, the Chargers after a season mired in disappointment and underachievement...have crawled out of the grave like Jason and are energized! Thirsty for donkey blood. Easy Jason, the victims are coming right to your house. The Denver Broncos. Didn't Jason get struck by lightning and revived in like, uh...Friday the 13nth part 7? We gonna DOA Denver. They are deflated. And with the coach who has a face like Joan Rivers, Mike Shanahan! I know it was freezing but his rouge was running in the 3rd. Looked like Cher in a Broncos parka!

This is what the Bolts will see next Sunday.

I want to thank the Buffalo Bills for steppin' up and showing some gumption and beating the Donks at Invesco on the road. It was freezing and they were previously 1-7 in their last 8! Buffalo gave us a shot and taught me again not to give up or believe against all odds. Corny sounding, huh? But San Diego has taught me again to do it. Even if it is just to get in for now. But what we have done to be here, awesome. One more juvenile put down: Jay Cutler looks like the fat kid from 2 1/2 Men! Check it, bad comedy, this Sunday from the Murph! Cutler w/Billy Crystal & Gregory Hines in "Running Scared"!

It is the snowy Tundra here in Portland OR and I took the bus down to Claudia's and it was snowing madly. I was in the powder blue but did have a black jacket on. I stayed all day, beer free! Chargers won, so had to stay for the Denver game and it all worked out. In that time the buses quit running. My walk home was a pre hypothermatic experience! My pants were frozen, 40 mph frosty gusts right in the face the whole way. I kept thinking about "The Shining" and I was so there. Ready to pull up to a tree and freeze to death! Nobody hardly on the streets. Total isolation at times. 50 block walk in drifting powder, try it sometime!

I've lost my passion for the blog due to obvious reasons w/AOL and readership decline equal to the economy. But I did transfer it all to for fans of the old school blog. I'm inspired and admit being a bit fair weathered this year. I'm psyched for a shot but disappointed nonetheless in this year. My blog has suffered for it. And I'm a Trailblazers fan with 1/2 season tix so I have an outlet. But I bleed powder blue 1st. Not Nugget copycat blue, true 60's SD Alworth!

The Chargers are living a great forgotten Black Sabbath album, Never Say Die. The KC comeback was impossible, and I admit our luck was incredibly good. This team has grit. And now a light. They are a team brand new late in the season. The defense has stiffened. The hits I see are hollow point slammers. Jammer on Garcia, BAM! He was in Green Bay and Tampa Bay at the same time. tampa was tough as is Garcia. A poor man's Steve Young. He is very good. But not enough to lift the Bucs. They had playoff destiny as did Denver. Just win, your in. Now we have that chance. We WON'T blow it. This is our chance at redemption. Already had the Hochuli motivator. Now the absolute downtrodden Donks, glue factory warriors. Put a fork in em. I'm confident the Bolts will rise.

So the table is set, the showdown in SD is on. The mediocrity AFC West Champ will be crowned. We make playoffs people worry. Denver is like the AZ Cardinals at this pont. A little better of course. We would be the team that would win a Super Bowl at 8-8. I'll take it. We are hot, and lets keep it that way.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Nobody cares, but it ain't near over for us in the AFC West.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Mediocre Get Tested

I have neglected my barely read blog, that was once the toast of the net. I watched my 1st full length game at Claudia's, at home VS KC, and we didn't look to much like contenders. Holding off a gutsy 2 pt conversion call at the end by KC and the mighty Tyler "Pigpen" Thigpen. He fought for every yard and damn near got us and our pumice defense. A 1-8 team had us, in OUR house. My 1st viewing of a complete game was a sorry one despite the W. It has come full circle. The Chargers must win...NOW. @ Pittsburgh! We have a good history in Steel Town. The best was 94-95, the upset miracle that put us in our only Super Bowl, the "throwback" year. powder blues rocked the NFL all the way to defeat against the mighty 49ers, still loved it. Tyler Florence cooked my little Super Bowl party, no shit. I lived in NYC then. But this is now, huh? We are at a dissappointing 4-5, but alas, we are in the now weaker AFC West, we are in the thick of it. We have no rep to fall back on. Last year a little maybe. We always underwhelm when expected. I'll take a hot streak, we have the talent. We can beat the Stillers, thats Pittsburghese, Stillers. Thanks for being a blue state PA. And blue you will be this Sunday I hope. I'm a realist, we are total dogs in this one. Underdog can rise. So can a team. Here comes the gipper shit..WE CAN! The Chargers can win under Obama, we are undefeated since he got elected! The Chargers CAN!

I'm only going on a positive campaign for the 2nd half. Like "Joe the Plumber" the ass said, I don't know but you look it up! We need to do the work. And make it work on the field. Norv, nut it up. Dee, super nut it! The rise needs to be on the dee. Cromartie, be the back. Lots goin' on wrong.

Hey, in unrelated rock news, Mitch Mitchell, drummer of the Jimi Hendrix Experience, died at 61 yrs of age at the Benson Hotel here in Portland OR last night. Trippy. To my friend Chris with the glittery eyes who is cool, hey, guess your a part of history now. Haven't checked to see, did the show go off before the passing? Oh, I bet Mitch didn't get a hot batch from some seedy Portland dealer, huh? I'm just curious. Cuz it is here. I don't touch it, but I see it on occassion you see it. RIP Mitch...Stone Free, from Portland to? Like DIO...It's Heaven & Hell!

My seats suck but rule at the same time! We are the workin' class. No doubt. We got country up in the 329 and some kind of pseudo goth punk. Hell yeah. Takes all kinds. Like Peter Griffin said, "World turn, round n round" I'm enjoying it and am thinking the most positive thoughts for Blazer success this year. Internet is still out, it is pouring, and it is 4 minutes to gametime. As Elvis Castello said back in the day, "RADIO, RADIO!" You better do what you are told, you better listen to the radio! Another time. I'm tuning in now. Oh, I'm mixing my San Diego and Portland now.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thig PEN

Ouch, we suck.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


KC game preview coming, market season is over and I'm gonna get into the 2nd half of the season. It's far from over. The ship will be righted.