Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Faded Raider Rock Stars

My god Raider fans, this photo so kicks ass. I challenge anybody to name this band. This guys mike stand beats the crap out of that Korn dude's. Looks like a devilish version of one of those cute little Sony robots. But all I say is...uh...yep, TYPICAL Raider fan. Notice tasselled knee pads. If you can guess, leave a comment. Figured I'd start the feud early. I couldn't pass up this photo. Tsk, tsk, tsk...fashion faux paux. Stretchy pants...out. They are now used to compress fat chicks thighs and boo tays. Keeps the shake to a minimum but the visual is so abhorrent you may turn to stone.

 To the serious, heard something about Marty Schottenheimer on Jim Rome saying he had a disagreement with the GM over Brees. Said he wasn't kept informed. Said he thinks we need Brees for our best shot at winning it all...NOW. Keep Brees and bring in a new coach. Damn...our dee is gonna kill next season!

Monday, February 20, 2006


In a stunning move, the Bolts are not going to sign starter Drew Brees. I have only heard the beginnings of the news on Sports Talk radio. One rumor is the injury to Drew is more serious than thought I know we just signed AJ Feeley...but it has to be RIVER'S TIME! I saw this coming...next year if we underachieved, not right now.  We will see how this one works out. Is Rivers ready? On the firing line now baybee.

 Dare I say I see a big play wide reciever in our future? Not TO, I think we are not in that mix. But who? We are good to go. I have to let this set in, think of options and possible advantages to this move.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm No Jimmy the Greek

  Some people are sooo sensitive. Call me a loser I bring it. Street vendor style. Yeah, trash is a good word for what I write, like the Weekly World News of Sports Blogging. Check the comments section on the last blog I wrote for the pre Super Bowl. Its the guy who sits in the "family" section guy, bible and Dr. Pepper in hand, shutting out the outside brothel around him. Enough of that.

I'm sitting in the family section, and I could have u whacked! Benny Hinn and I go way back. We r sensitive to ur beliefs and words. Please behave accordingly, loser. Jusus loves the Steelers, yeeeeeaaahhhh!!!

  I was wrong about the Super Bowl, like I am about a lot of things. On record, the boringest Super Bowl I can remember. Never got going. Low energy. One thing Iam stokin' on though. Already planning one road trip to Seattle from Portland for the Chargers game against the Hawks. And two in SD so the Seattle game is a bonus for me. Have to pick one more game, the other will be in SD against the Rams which I will check out with an old SoCal bud who still loves the Rams from they're days in LA. Gonna be a blast for sure and the Chargers are contenders, not pretenders. We also play the Steelers again...redemption I see. Keep u posted on any big Charger news during the offseason.

HERE'S TO THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS 2005-2006 WORLD CHAMPIONS! Gag on a horrific Iron City and enjoy "One for the Thumb" Finally I don't have to hear that anymore. Its our year next year, postmark this day I say it. And I can't wait till we take you out in your house next year. Payback! Rock on P Town, its yours and you deserve it. Go Penguins! Oh...and Pirates.


Saturday, February 4, 2006



  As a bored Charger fan with only slight interest in the Super Bowl match up tomorrow I have had alot of time on my hands lately. I'm a protege' of "Saved By the Bell's" Screech Powers, who is teaching me to play chess. Remember in one episode Screech, who is lightly regarded, is pitted against the militaristic Russian boy champ. Screech was Seattle and the Russian was Pittsburgh, but Screech dug deep and beat the champ, or in this case of the Super Bowl, the expected and trumped up for the trophy winner Pittsburgh, will fall to the underdog Seahawks, represented by Screech. Check Mate baybee...Bolts Blogger falls in the "safe zone" for a pick but I see Seattle in a close one 27-24.   Matt Hasselbeck will be Seattle's Zack, cocky and sure of himself. Jerome Bettis will be Mr. Belding, stepping on all in his power position of principal. Troy Palamalu will be Elizabeth Berkley, aka the Showgirl. Why? The same hair dude, its the hair only.            The hair man, all about the hair. And the skillz. Troy's twin in New Zealand rugby to the left is Tana Umanga. The tribe is strong. This guy has Junior Seau skills, and he is quicker. And the names, his adversary from the Hawks, Lofa Tatupu,  the names rawk. Chicli Iwuoma...sportscasters love it. I just put this photo in for me. If she is inside where its nice and warm, how can her toungue be stuck to the pole? The mysteries of science never cease to amaze me!

For comparitive purposes only, the hair of the 90's of Lizzie Berkley inspired Troy Palamalu, the influence is so obvious. 

    Detroit or Beirut? Wrong! Detroit. This is the Motel 6 by the stadium. And this is one of he better buildings. Tailgating has to be paid for, igloos will used for housing not for cooling drinks. Robbers have agreed with local authorities to be more polite during hold ups.Please and thank you will be used. Beware of men in ski masks with guns and snowshoes, those are the pros! Actually its how Bayside High looks today. Lisa Turtle, poor little rich girl...her shopping habit turned into a meth habit and she burned Bayside to the ground! This was after a California Dreams Show at the Bayside Gym, SOLD OUT. She was in a fit of drug induced rage. Her band, the Zack Attack had been the openers and the Dreams blew them away. Career over. The music careers never work out do they. Hey...the Brady Bunch was rockin' in matchin' "Up With People" polyester bell bottom liesure suits back in 1973! Cuttin' a groove better than the Jackson 5...or maybe NOT!

Maybe I'll just rent a good movie. This one is about the only movie that made Detroit seem cool.

Another dude who made me think Detroit was cool and a great place to die in a meat grinding teenage vehicular slaughtermania was Gene Simmons and KISS. But I was 15 and it was 1976 so times have changed. A guy's music I can't stand from Detroit is Bob Segar. I always think of Tom Cruise in Hane's and Ray Bans and it induces instant vomiting! GO DETROIT! Make that bowl par teh happen. GO HAWKS! Should be a good game. The only cool thing about Pittsburgh is Heinz Ketchup is made there. Or is it Catsup. Toss a coin...heads...Seahawks win the toss and score on 1st possession. My "strange Vegas" bet. CHARGERS PLANET...we are all one...we will be here next season...wait and see!