Monday, January 2, 2006

Skins Commemeration

  I congratulate you Jamie Mottram, on your team making the playoffs. While mine sits at home...wahhhhhhh! Best of'll need it! But you never know. My picks: Pats / Hawks. Tampa bay, it can be done. Almost looked liked the Skins weren't hungry enough against Philly. Hope your enjoying your holiday time and my cool "Best of NBA" dvd prize came today. Thanks. Good luck in the playoffs and see you on sportsbloggerslive. My Sonics blog be blowin' up at:  Wish you the best of luck in the playoffs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, dude! As a Skins fan, it's an amazing feeling being the playoffs for only the 2nd time in 14-some seasons. Which is exactly why I'm rooting for Cincy to come out of the AFC.
