Thursday, August 2, 2007


 Hi my three weekly readers. Unlike you, I battle. Against permit checkers, liars, and the disreputable. Nothing has changed. And ya'll just accept. I'll throw it down. This site sucks. Fanhouse sucks. The WAR sucks. Fuckin' Applebee's and McDonalds suck too. Thanks for comin' through Jamie. And all you WAR supporting bloggers. Oh, not that WAR. The internet, oh wait, GWB says the intranets, and "My Pet Goat" I'm saying, reduce, reuse, recycle humanity. Isn't that what its down to? You get it good and original, and then you homogonize it. But you know whats pretty fuckin cool, no, not John Travolta in "Hairspray", when he said the $5 dollar vanilla shake thing, that was cool.

 Ya'll out there ain't cool. You accept that you "had the chance" to write and disappeared. Pat Tillman got a triangular pattern on his forehead, from 10 yds away. I'm fortunate to be the mayor of Simpleton, and I see life in black and white...with rabbit ears. Nobody gave us an oppurtunity, it was stolen from you for safe. People make $$ off this net, and you just move on and accept it. Wern't you some of the most original Muther f en writers with a passion for your team? The swill I read on Fanhouse makes me laugh. Where are you Jamie? Rear view mirror is where we are and have been. Oh, and the fact I paid AOL $$ cuz  wanted to write. Oh, they sooo free and useless now.

 But...I love But. I feel good about football. I am fortunate enough to be able to attend a few games. My team was dissappointing in the P'OFFS. But we have a window, a fuckin' bay window over a harbor I and you have never seen. I love reversing grammer, and making it all about ...SD. over your bridge in Anytown USA, and say...they care. Fightin' em over there so our infrastructure collapses here. Least you got your life right? I'm psyched. But I never give up. Educate yourself, know the Chargers are good. My WWII decorated grandpa went with it for 4 years, he is done. Never has seen such disrespect on the field. Like how this mix is goin'?

 This is just the basic intro to 07, 08...ya'll just melded off into oblivion and accepted it. Well I knew it was gettin' good for me when Fanhouse struck without warning, but they are basically red dye #4. We used to have a good thing. But good things are always replaced in our disposable society. AOL went broke soon after, but they charged to end and outsourced to India. Then went free after their multi million dollar running yellow man campaign.

 I hate you AOL, but I made a promise to myself when you released us from our free creativity you milked for 2 years, I would follow suit with my blog. Cuz I started it the year the Bolts got good, out of the blue. Consensus last place picks in '04 and I took the blog on in good faith and got kicked to the curb. Jamie, you have never returned like you said to "check up" on what you left behind. Nor has the "New Pigskin Bloggers" site ever materielized either. Thats cool.

 Chargers don't have the rings...yet. Have faith ye of little faith. I don't do preseason. This blog will resurrect, and you will bow like the underlings in "Children of the Corn"  OUTLANDER! Accept this. We are better than you. This all started in the season opener in '04, road victory over the Texans with Brees at QB. Time to finish it.

 And to all you Raider fans, um...achoo! Little too much Culpepper in my salad. Jamarcus, where are u?12/24/06 Happy F in Xmas Seahawks...07 and oh yeah...08